Mar 9, 2013

Way Back When

I have no idea why I started writing this blog other than wanting to see something I wrote on the internet.  I do remember that as part of beginning this adventure, I did a short investigation into blogging.  Having decided, for whatever reason, that happiness would lie here rather than at Word Press, I delved into the history of Blogspot.
Tonight , at a loose end due to having made her angry once again, I searched my C Drive directories for excess baggage to vent my delete urge upon.  There it was, my .doc from 2009 containing things of interest I’d found “way back then”.  Apparently “way back then” I had used the “WayBack Machine” in my late night searches. 
The Internet Archive is a fascinating place, you should visit.  There is no guarantee your writing will actually be archived there, Way Back  robots scour the net as finance allows, they are a Non Profit after all.  The objective is to give future generations a open, accessible look at what has gone before.  Being able to see a page that was current ten or fifteen years ago on any particular site is fascinating.
Blogspot apparently started as a programme by Pyra Labs called “Blogger” and developed from there.  Below are snaps of some of my searches in the Way Back Machine archives, not all pages from a site are there of course, only the ones captured during their web grabs I would think.  Interesting to look back isn’t it?
Early blogspot:


The Blogger development company I believe:

The earliest Blogspot pages captured, I haven’t tried to determine why the record stopped when it did.

An early blog, links still worked for some sites linked to.  I tested the Google News links, they worked even after all that time.
Even though my finger still wants to hit delete, I just can't let this bit of internet history go.  If the wife won't let me into bed later, perhaps I'll visit the Way Back Machine again tonight.  Who knows, this blog may even be archived there.
March 2013

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