Mar 10, 2010

Chicks in Vancouver

Winter comes every year, the Winter Olympics every four. This type of sport is generally for young people although relatively older ones were there either defending their medals or attempting to finally achieve a lifelong ambition to win one. Some of the competitors were making their second or even third appearance in Olympic competition at this year’s Vancouver games. Saying some of the competitors are “ relatively older” I simply mean they have been involved in their sport for perhaps ten years or longer and started young. Not having paid attention to the sports involved before, I noticed that in the snowboard and figure skating sports in particular, female competitors covered a wide age range. The women competing in these sports, from ages 16 to 30+ must have developed a single minded determination early to maintain enthusiasm for such a long time between Olympics. You’ve got to admire them and applaud their tenacity. No... I’m not going to say they must have developed a hard shell while still young. Or maybe....

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March 2010

Blame concept and “Chicks” on JAWhite


  1. Question: If someone stops by and leaves a Trinidad and Tobago flag and nobody sees it, did they *really* stop by....?

  2. That could only happen if it were a drive by flagging! :)


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